Announcement of the new from the front of the OnePlus. The manufacturer has confirmed that, on 23 April at 15:00 by the time of the Albanian by Helsinki, Finland, will present two new products that arrive in Europe: the new life of the OnePlus Watch 2 tableti of the range of the middle OnePlus Pad, Go!".
The young man now known for the OnePlus Watch 2 will be available exclusively in Europe, and the will to provide the customers for european devices Android premium in accordance with the needs of their own. OnePlus Watch 2 was done immediately, equipment and sold to the OnePlus two and the last few years, thanks to the çipit to double the life of the battery up to 100 hours, and the tracking of the exact fitnesit. The version in the style of the living, OnePlus wants to meet more of the needs of users in the european.
Also, it is interesting to note the launch of the OnePlus Pad, Go!", one tablet is the most accessible in the region, which will be integrated into the ecosystem of it.
“Last year, we sent down the book to have a good strategy for a new product that is going to build up an ecosystem, powerful, premium, and connected to the equipment, OnePlus, and this includes our commitment to the expansion of the portfolio of products and OnePlus in the category of the new beyond the phones, intelligent, as well as the audio, tablets, and accessories to them,” said Bingo. Liu, the CEO of OnePlus Europe “in Europe, represents a part of the key to this strategy is a long-term, so we are very excited to present our product to be the first exclusive release of the life of the OnePlus Watch 2 of the present OnePlus Pad, Go!", one of. tablet is affordable, and highly functional in the european market.”
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