The brain of a humana body of one of the three kilogramësh that guides the thoughts, feelings, and our actions have long been shrouded in mystery. Scientists have been trying to find out how it works for a number of years, but the complexity of its depth is still represents a major challenge today. However, recent advances in artificial intelligence is to provide the lens of the new, powerful, by which it can be seen that the body is tremendous.
Thanks to a collaboration space between the researchers of Google and neuroshkencëtarëve of the Page, intelligence, artificial, has played a crucial role in the generation of a set of images to the hugely detailed in the brain of a human. These images provide a view of the unprecedented structure of the brain, providing a closer look at the in-network with a dense and complex of neurons, which supports the existence of us.
One million gigabytes in a miliontën of the brain
The research team used the tools of advanced artificial intelligence to analyze a small sample of the tissue of the cerebrum of the human person, especially an author of a korteksit to the front of the lobby to be temporary. In this pattern, even though it is a small one (which represents the only one of the miliontën of all of the brain), it contained an amount of fascinating information. Interestingly, the processing of the data required for a memory the breathtaking 1.4 petabajt, or one million gigabytes.
The intelligence man, the processed these data to build a model of a three-dimensional high-resolution cell of the brain. This is a model that allows you to sail virtually the palosjet, and the layers of complexity in the brain. In this region, which is responsible for the functions of the most complex cognitive, it is divided into six layers, the background, each in a role of a specialist.
The images produced by the one Google offers a view to increasing the other inside the sample, detected by the korteksit by color the cells based on the size and type of their own. This visualization allows you to explore the distribution of different types of neurons and contribute to their specific functions.
The map and to an innumerable company of the proposed method, thanks to HIM
The brain of a human contains about 86 billion, neurone, each with unique features, which will affect the transmission of the information. The intelligence man raised a record of the detail of the different types of neurons present in the sample, by classifying them based on the morphology of their own. This information can be compared with the data from the other regions of the brain in order to identify the changes in the composition of neuronale.
Moreover, IT has been used for the analysis of the spatial distribution of the different types of neurons, revealing patterns of clustering or dispersion, which may shed light on the interactions between populations of different neuronale within the district functioning of the brain.
The top dendritet and aksonet
The magic of the brain that lies in their ability to transmit information through the network to a wide range of other. This communication occurs through specialized structures called the dendrite and the aksone. Dendritet as the antenna for the small to receive the signal from the neuronet to the other, as aksonet to act as a cable, to the long and thin, which transmit signals from the body to the cells.
One of the images most amazing set up a Google provides a picture of the close of the dance complex dendriteve and aksoneve within the same sample, revealing densitetin, and the connection to the network neurone.
From the analysis of the patterns of the relationship, you can design circuits and functional to stay on the forefront of the functions are specific to the brain, and identified groups of neurons involved in the processing, the types of relevant information, and the investigation of the ways in which the information is derived from a region to another.
A new window into the mind of a man
Vizualizimet of the detailed information provided by the intelligence, artificial represents a big step forward in the understanding of the mind of man. This is the ability of the young to explore your body in a level, this matter has the potential to revolucionarizojë of knowledge and experience neurological and psychiatric compared to the samples of the tissues of the brain of the individuals who are healthy, those who suffer from pathologies of the material.
Moreover, the images generated by IT, can be used to study the effects of aging, learning, and experience, the structure, and the relationship neuronale.
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