The novelty on the latest WhatsApp for iOS, the latest version 24.15.79, presents one of the features truly innovative. It aims to transform the way people organize events within the people in the group. So far, the planning has been limited to groups of connected Communities. Another limitation is now overcome with this new feature. With the update, users can create events directly to each and every conversation in the group. To make it easy for the coordination and planning of the activities of the collective. To start, create a meeting, simply press the “+” and select the “Event”. We will then be able to enter the details of the other. Such as a name, a description, the date, the location, and to establish whether the meeting will be conducted via voice calls or video call.
WhatsApp: safety and security, and many more
After being slated by all the participants will receive are personalized to inform them of the time the young man. It also aims to simplify significantly the management of the duties of the ordinary. But, above all, to improve the overall experience for the user. To allow for the communication of the same, and to be organized within the group.
In addition to the improvement of these features, the update 24.15.79 stores are still the standard for high security. The details of the event are protected by the encryption of the part at the end. This ensures that only the members that are involved can view the information related to the meetings of the stage. A measure of the essential safeguards to protect the privacy of us all. How to make sure that sensitive information is accessible only to those authorized.
The update is currently being drawn. It can be downloaded via the AppStore, if it is not already installed automatically. It's important to keep their application up-to-date in order to benefit from all the features. But that's not all, WhatsApp has introduced the new the features and other updates. As well as in the management of advanced access, and the integration of emoji's animated films. All of this continues to strengthen the position of the platform as a means of more and more necessary for a communication of the day.
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