Founder and CEO, was arrested in France for the lack of moderation of the contents of the published Message. In practice, however, Pavel Durov, will be directly responsible for any abuse of the platform. But the application of the law, you can detect easily that the authors of a criminal activity, because the message service does not provide a kriptim out of the side at the bottom as well as the others.
Encryption end-to-end in just a chat conversation
Edward Snowden, called the arrest of a Durovit “an attack on the fundamental human rights of speech and association”, and stated that the objective of the French government, it is the aksesojë communications are private. In fact, other than WhatsApp and Signal, and communication in a Message they are not really private.
As it accentuates Matthew Green, an expert in the kriptografisë, and an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University, it is not correct to write, or to say that the service, the message is encrypted. Telegrami does not provide host-to-host from the side at the bottom as well as the others, so, is that all of the contents (texts, images, videos and more) is sent to the servers, and it's accessible in the house of the software. Encryption from end-to-end is active only when the user initiates a chat conversation.
However, the protection is not offered in the male, and the channels in the group. This is a feature of all is the most used by cyber criminals cyber activities on their own. In practice, the Message is also used as a social network. Everyone (including the enforcement of the law, could have access to them, in conversations and in public.
Matthew Green also states that the technology and operation (MTProto 2.0) has been left virtually unchanged from the year 2016. The creation of the people's secret does not guarantee protection of communications. In any case, the meta data for (those who use the service with whom you speak, and when to send the messages have to be encrypted. Durov said that all of the requirements of the government, it will be rejected. In reality, it is not necessary to send in a request for the vast majority of the contents are to be accessed freely.
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