Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, has been arrested by French authorities in Paris. The arrests came as part of an investigation by the police about the activities of the alleged crime committed, through the platform of the social network. Telegrami turned away immediately to the allegations, stating that Durov has nothing to hide.
Although he was arrested Pavel Durov?
The arrest of Pavel Durov in Paris it is associated with the founding principle of the Message: the defense, the total of the privacy of the users. Since its inception in 2013, the app has been introduced as a means of communication to those who live in the regimes, authoritarian, or countries with no limits on the freedom of information. At the same time, however, it is also used for criminal activities, taking into account the lack of moderation of content.
The office of the French in the fight against child pornography, had issued a warrant arrest for Durov, as part of the investigation for several crimes, including drug trafficking, and the protection of the terrorism carried out in the Telegram. According to the indictment, the founder is considered a member for the mosparandalimin of the following crimes in the platform of his own, failing to establish the systems are adequate, the moderation, and the failure to co-operate with the authorities.
Message: “it Is absurd to have a platform of being responsible for the abuse”
In a statement, anonymous launched on the channel's official app, Telegram argued that it is absurd to claim that it, that the platform or the owner is responsible for the abuse of the platform. The company stated that approximately one billion people around the world use Telegramin as a means of communication and a source of information, crucial, hoping for a quick resolution to the situation.
The role of the Telegramit in a war between Ukraine and Russia
Telegrami it has played a crucial role in the dissemination of information during the armed conflict continued between the Ukraine and Russia. Russia, it seems particularly interested in the fate of the Durovit, i was born in Russia, and in all of france, and the United Arab Emirates, where the Message is no seat for him. The embassy of the Russian in Paris, is complaining that the French government has not yet provided access to Durov.
One of the Telegramit
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Durov, expressed the philosophy of the Telegramit, which is intended to be a platform for “neutral”. This means that the company seeks to maintain a position that is not objective, and not to a more open, with an ideology or a government in particular.
Durov said, also, that the Message is resisting calls for the moderation of the governments. In other words, the company does not want to be submitted to the pressure of the authorities and those who seek to remove or censurojnë content specific to the platform. Telegram seems to want to keep the freedom of expression of users', by avoiding the interference of the external environment.
Further, the Durov revealed that he avoid all travel to the locations of power and influence on the world stage, where the Message gets “too much attention”. This suggests that the CEO doesn't like to go to the countries where the company may be subject to political pressure, or oversight of the rich. Durov, in fact, stated that it travels only in the countries for which he or she believes that they are in line with the values and actions of the Message, it is, therefore, comply with, and to support the philosophy of neutrality and the freedom of expression and the promotion of the platform.
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