From Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, the Time has significant consequences on the position of the application. On Saturday, in the last year, Durov was arrested on charges of suspected not to the moderation of the material, allowing for the activities of the illegal acts such as trafficking in drugs, money laundering, and the distribution of child pornography (CSAM) to thrive.
The company turned down immediately to the allegations, stating that Durov did not have anything to hide, to deny any responsibility for the content of unlawful, or likely to be spread through the application of its users. Regardless of the concerns that have been raised, Message if you get a surge of the liquid, as you go up in the ranking as well as the duty of the application.
The growth of the Telegramit in the rankings in the app store
According to the analysis of the Appfigures, Telegram has arrived at the position nr. 2. in the order of social networks in the App Store in the united states on Monday night, highlighting the continued growth. Even though the app is then dropped into the no. 3, its popularity is obvious, even in France, where she fell to the no. 1 in the category Social Networking, and the number. 3 in general. At the order of the application of the best in the United States, the Message went out, the number 18 is the number 8, and noting the position of its highest since at least January 1, 2023.
The effect on the visibility of the Telegramit
The increase in the contribution of the Message appears that confirms the rule, according to which all the publicity, even if it is negative, it can also increase the shikueshmërinë of the application. As a user of the shkarkonin the curiosity or in order to support the ideas of the founders of “free speech”, Message, and began to climb up the rankings. According to Sensor Tower, the discharge of a global Telegramit at apple saw an increase of 4% from the day to day, and from the sun.
The attitude of the French government for the arrest of the Durov
The president of france Emmanuel Macron commented on the arrest of the Durov, pointing out that he is a “probe trial in progress”, and that it will remain to the judges to decide the matter. Macron pointed out that it is not in any way a political decision, while trying to maintain a neutral attitude on the matter.
I have seen the false information regarding France following the arrest of Pavel Durov.
France is deeply committed to freedom of expression and communication, to innovation, and to the spirit of entrepreneurship. It will remain so.
In a state governed by the rule of law,...
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) August 26, 2024
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