The French authorities have issued orders arrest in march for the CEO of Telegram Pavel Durov and bashkëthemeluesin in the face of his brother Nikolai, according to the document, the administrative and the French first and exclusively by Politico.the eu.
The document shows that the investigation of the secret was about the Message that is more extensive, and began a month earlier than was known before.
The question is about the rejection of a Message to co-operate with an investigation by the police of france, for the sexual abuse of children. In the meantime, according to the Wall Street Journal, at lunch, in the year of 2018, the president of france Emmanuel Macron called Pavel Durov to relocate Telegramin in Paris, but for the entrepreneur of the Russian refused to give. Macron even thought to give him the citizenship of the French, " said one of the sources. Also, according to the WSJ, in the year of 2017 007-the father of the French shënjestruan Durov in an operation together with the United Arab Emirates, which is hakoi an iPhone in it. The security of france was concerned about the use of the Telegramit of the State, the Islamist, to plan the attack.
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