The CEO of Telegram Pavel Durov is currently located in France where she was arrested and charged for the crimes committed by the third parties by using the app of his own. But the situation can be ndërlikohet of the video: the trouble is not coming back, never, never alone.
The police of South Korea are, in fact, announced that it had opened an investigation into the Message, accusing the platform that has led to the spread of the defakeve pornographic images of minors.
The investigation of the Telegramit in South Korea
This substance, known as a “child of the deep,” is the montage pornographic, often established by the intelligence, artificial, on which the faces of the people entered in a photo or video to be strong.
As she said Woo Jong-soo, the head of the Bureau of the Investigation of the Police, a National of South Korea for the Korea Times: “In the past, the Message did not provide the information required by the police in connection with the accounts of some users, in an investigation into the crimes committed by the platform. ” . In light of these precedents, and taking into account the seriousness of the crime, in the past week, the Agency for the National Police, the Seulit launched an investigation into the preliminary against the Message to her that he has facilitated the actions of the law by failing to co-operate with the authorities”, he added later.
Therefore, the authorities of the South Korean blame Telegramin that there is no information to be useful to some users in the past during the investigation, thereby facilitating a direct commission of the crime through to the platform.
Light is deep in the Crust
The story of the arrest of the Durov it has made people in South Korea, to report a crime. The police are, in fact, he said that it had received 88 reports over the last week and it was identified in 24 of the doubt. The creator of such content, is illegal, often taking pictures of the victims and their social networks. According to the police, the majority of the involved there are the girls, with 60% of their expenses.
Crime on the internet is popular in South Korea, according to the activists, who refer in particular to the use of the camera spiune, and the publication of the “dating the revenge” (content from the porn, private and distributed, without permission, to take revenge).
At the end of August, the media, the koreans-south Hankyoreh claimed that some of the students, the university is directing a group discussion on Telegram in which you are circulated falsification porn of my class, in a case that aroused anger and by the people.
The cooperation of the police of South Korea by the French authorities
The investigation launched by the police and the Seulit leads to the arrest of Pavel Durov, France, on 28 August. After four days of investigations, French-Russian, were left free, but subject to supervision of the strict law, including a prohibition of departure from the territory of france.
The South Korean has also pledged to co-operate with the “the bodies of a different investigation, including in France,” said Woo Jong-soo.
What's going to happen with the Telegramin?
It seems that the error is the main Durov was in the direction of a platform of messages without the moderation of content. Currently, it is unclear how it will evolve the situation, but there is very little chance that the Message to continue to operate as it has done up until now.
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