Two weeks after his arrest at the Time, Pavel Durov, is back on the internet, with the publication of a statement to the official channel of his own Message. The executive director was the actions of the police officers, provided, however, that the platform is also used by the criminals. For this reason, I will take specific measures, one of which is already active.
Moderation on the chat and in private
Durov was accused of being officially co-operation in several crimes, including drug trafficking, fraud, and abuse of children. The French authorities, they say, also, that there is no moderation of the content of the Message.
After 96 hours of detention, the CEO, was released on the condition (5 million euros), but it would need to be presented to the police station twice a week, and we will not be able to be removed from France. Last night, he has just published a post in the canal of his own to be the only thing that the allegations were incorrect.
First of all, the DIRECTOR, says that the Message is a representative, officer in Europe, which you may be contacted by e-mail. Durov says that the French authorities can get in touch with him through the consulate of france in Dubai, as they are now, when they are asking for help in dealing with the threat of terrorism.
Finally, Durov has decided to charged with a MANDATE to crimes committed by the third-party platform, which it manages. The post tall and he says that it is not easy to find a compromise to the right, between security and privacy. The goal is to respect the law, but at the same time protecting users from governments in the most oppressive. Telegrami was banned in Russia because they delivered up the keys, cryptographic keys, and Iran because it is not closed all the protesters.
Durov states that the Message is not a paradise, his theatre. Table of content (posts, groups, channels) in order to violate the rules, be it every day, as it is shown in all the Stop Child Abuse and ISIS Watch. However, the SERVICE agrees that the platform is also used by criminals, so that you can get for improvements to be moderate.
One of the features of the new, it is now active, as specified in the FAQ. Up to now, to the question, “There's illegal content on Telegram. How can I eliminate?” that the answer was accompanied by:
Of all the chat groups on Telegram are in the territory of the private to the participants and their respective. We do not make any claim in respect of them.
And the answer has not changed:
All of the apps in the Message to have the time to “Report” that allow you to report on the content of the law of our moderators, in just a few touch.
This means that the speech of individuals and groups are not private and may be read by the moderator (s) of the Message. In fact, it is well known that the message service does not provide host-to-host, by the end, in the end, as well as the others.
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