Pavel Durov stated that only about 0.001% of the users ' use of the Telegramin for the purposes of the law, thus damaging the image of the whole platform. During the investigation the four-month period, the journalists of the New York Times has identified more than 3.2 million of messages to be posted to more than 16,000 channels operuara of the criminals, extremists, and terrorists.
Sale of drugs and weapons
Journalists write that the Message has been turned into a “gropëz a global criminal activity, dezinformimit, the materials of the sexual abuse of children, terrorism, and incitement of racism”. Of the house of the software offers a feature allowing criminals, terrorists, and the deceiver are on a large scale, and to avoid the control of the authorities.
They found more than 1,500 channels to be operated by the supremacistët white to koordinonin the activities of the nearly one million people around the world, with at least two dozen channels to sell the gun, and at least 22 channels, with more than 70,000 followers to advertise the delivery of MDMA, cocaine, heroin, and other drugs in more than 20 countries.
Hamas, ISIS, and other groups, terrorist use of the Telegramin in order to spread their messages. For more than 40 channels, connected with the Hamasin reached more than 400 million views in October, following attacks on Israel. There are also a lot of groups, neofashiste to encourage the violence against the migrants, and those LGBTQ.
Durov was arrested at the Time for co-operation in the various crimes, including drug trafficking, fraud, and abuse of children, as well as to the lack of co-operation. The CEO also stated that there is a mail address to the reports of the authorities. According to the New York Times, it is checked rarely, and needs are ignored, almost always because you don't have a team of dedicated. The requests often come in through the Apple and Google (which you can't remove the application from the stores and their related).
Durov says that Telegrami there is a heaven, his theatre. The New York Times has revealed the “save” the real, the guns, the drugs, the cards to the credit of the klonuara, and the material is porn to a child. The European commission, you can add a Message to the list, VLOP-how you need to comply with the obligations of the Utility of Digital, including the moderation of the content.
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