When it comes to artificial intelligence, the less they have the experience and the vision of Ray Kurzweil. With over 60 years dedicated to the development of IT, Kurzweil, has already demonstrated its ability to predict accurately the direction that will take the technology.
In the year of 2005, with his book The Singularity is Near, he predicted the progress of fast computers, and the integration of the growing technology in our life prospects that have to be disruptive to be accurate.
But what awaits us in the future? In his new book, Singularity is Nearer, Kurzweil describes how intelligence artificial it will affect on our lives, even more so in the last two decades of the next. Among the provisions of his most striking is there, even in the year 2029, the Intelligence of the General Man - (AGI), is a form of IT and the ability to match and overcome the cognitive abilities of the human, in a wide range of tasks.
Kurzweil does not stop here: up to the year 2035, and he predicts that we will be able to ngadalësojmëand , maybe, even we, the process of aging. His theory of “the speed of the flight of life” suggests that people are able to live on, thanks to technology, you can take the battery faster than it passes the time.
The vision of his more radical, however, it has to do with the concept of “Singularitetit”, as provided for in the year 2045. Kurzweil imagines a future in which the people come together with artificial intelligencecreating a new form of intelligence. The concert, made possible thanks also to nanoteknologjisë, you can go to any limit to the human, by opening the horizons, we will not be able to imagine today.
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