Waiting to know the fate of Pavel Durov, the one to the other bad news is a company of his own. Telegrami not to be used on the devices of government officials, military personnel, and the employee of the criticism, in Ukraine. According to the National Center for Coordination and for the Safety and security Cybersecurity (NCCC), and the service is also used as a means of espionage by Russia.
The russians listen and communication
The announcement came from Oleksandr Lytvynenko, the Secretary of the Council of National Security and Defense, during a meeting last week of the previous year. At the beginning of the month, Kyrylo Budanov (the head of the intelligence and military), announced that it Telegrami is very dangerous, and it represents a threat to national security (in the core, as well as TikTok in the United States).
During the meeting, Budanov gave evidence that the intelligence services Russian may also have access to the information and messages, to the personal to the user, including those of the fshira. The National Coordination for the Safety and security Cybersecurity subsequently banned the use of the Telegramit on the devices of government officials, military personnel, and the personnel who work on the infrastructure that is critical.
Russia will be used at the service of the people of the message (that is used by 75% of the ukrainasve), for espionage, phishing and other activities, the distribution of the malware. The ban affects only the devices in the job, rather than own, nor those of ordinary people.
Message said that the data of the users, and the content of the message not revealed to the collection. The rhetoric of the fshira permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Access to the messages, it is almost certainly due to malware, not to the operation of the service.
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