The the the message Message will deliver to the authorities, the court addresses the IP addresses of connections to track down the identity of the people, and the phone number of the user in the event of a procedimeve legal against them.
This was made known to the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, with a post in the canal of his own. A variation on the platform, which received criticism for its content, because it worked a little bit with the authorities, and give information to the user only in the event of doubt as to the terrorist activities.
The news comes after Durov was arrested in Paris by the end of August, with the accusation that he was a collaborator of the activities of the illegal actions of the Message. Later, he was released with conditions and with the prohibition of the publication of the territory of france, and the obligation to appear at the police department twice a week.
“We are not going to allow that, the actors, and others to undermine the integrity of the platform, we almost billion users,” said Durov in his message. According to the founder of the Telegram platform, has hired a team of moderatorësh the past few weeks, which, by the use of artificial intelligence, they have been searching on the ground. “And all of the content is a problem in the research is no longer accessible”, it adds Durov, which asks the user to report on the profile @SearchReport if you need to.
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