The arrest of the CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, the outskirts of the city last year, France has reopened the discussion about the content to be distributed through the platform for instant messaging. Messagein fact, it is well-known for being not only an application for the exchange of messages, but also to the ability of its most extreme, thanks to the functions that we have seen come to other platforms as well WhatsApp. This is the case, channels, robots and, of course, to the groups.
Telegrami, however, it has also become an area of discussion, the freedom of expression, and the nature of its code: thanks a number of features that are great about guaranteeing the anonymity ofin fact, it is estimated that, especially for the opportunity it gives them to communicate, without the censorship. and on. On the other hand, it is undeniable that the anonymity and security are attracted to the organization and to the people who have been using the application for the activities of the law over the years, this is the case of the sale of the drug, as well as of pirated content, such crimes and digital, and lately, the falsification of a deep nature, pornographic, or, worse, the porn to son.
Message: anonymity is at the heart of it all
Before we go on to examine the activities of the malicious present in the Message, according to the reports, and case studies, which are displayed on the website, it's also good to take a look at the context to understand why the app is so much of interest to cyber criminals or worse. for the criminal organizations.
As we said above, Message, or by other platforms such as Whatsapp, it provides a set of functions that allow the user to hide their identity. Example the most obvious is the possibility of hiding the telephone number and the choice of the name of the user, a feature that, as far as it looks but it manages also on Whatsapp). in opposition to what is going on elsewhere, and in fact, the user has the possibility to choose a name for the general user to be provided. the people, the other to stay in touch. In this way, the you don't need to share your phone number open a chat. This is the encryption of end-to-end (which is now available everywhere), which makes the messages out of the reach of third parties, or even for the company's development, or to the authorities. It is no coincidence that the report of the press – in some cases, the Telegrami it is also used by terrorist organizations to organize the attacks.
According to many people,the Message will be operated as a network of parallel to the web of the darkjust because of the nature of its most accessible: a lot of the stores of the web of the dark, relying on the application to provide support to the client, or to send the updates through the channels of the new products to be accessed. The vast majority of operations and sales for the subscriptions IPTV and Pezzotto take place through the platform, which sent the links to be added to the lists.
Drugs, falsification of the deep, and the piracy of digital have it all in Telegram
One illegal activities the most prevalent in the Message to it is, of course, the purchase and sale of narcotics.
Of the drugs, the soft to be strong, on the platform, the other groups of the core was found in trials that allow for the purchase of narcotics as well as from private persons as well as by an organized group.
By taking advantage of the anonymity provided by the customer, these bands, or channels, to allow access to the catalogs of real digital taking, including a wide range of barnash, complete with a service or support after the sale, the descriptions of the depth of what we offer, and the guidelines for the performance of a payment to all of the the anonymity, the maximum, the operation of the shipment.
These groups have been set up both markets and the real opportunities in e-commerce and traditional: when the advertisement is published, and met with the image, you can access pages of the detailed, containing all of the information about the substance, as well as on the manner of payment, delivery and price. . The transactions take place in the majority of cases, the kriptovaluta as well as Bitcoin or Monero, which are to make the transaction more difficult to track down.
A report from the Global Drug also showed that the number of people who buy drugs through the Telegramit is constantly on the rise: between 2018 and 2021, due to the pandemisë, and the deadlock imposed by the government to be different the figure was up by 30%also, thanks to the ease of access to the platform.
Another “market” particularly worrying is that the piracy of digital: a few times over the years, we have been on the search for the truth from the police to destroy the networks, all of which contents are to be protected, the rights of the author, as well as movies, tv series and anime, but also newspapers, magazines, books, audio books, or related to the entry into IPTV and Pezzotto. In fact, it is precisely by exploiting the anonymity of organizations, and the criminal have been moved to the end, in a Message to allow and facilitate the acquisition of a-list to allow access to the events, and the pay per view for just a few euros per month. The app, over the years, it has turned into a platform for the true key to the dissemination of illegal content protected by copyrights.
The problem most alarming, however, is related to the the proliferation of pornographic contents, and the pedo-porn for children, as well as with deepfake. The evolution of the latter is a relatively recent, but also because of the increasing popularity of artificial intelligence, it is spreading like fire.
More recently, reports have multiplied, in relation to a growing concern of the spread of deepfakes, nature porn, which is often published in channels or groups for the purpose of humiliation or shantazhit of the people who have been victims of it.
Also, the Message is to increase the number of robots or the other, that the “to offer the services to pay for the creation of “deepfakes” customin most of the cases it just has to send me a picture and tell what you want and that's it. This often has implications for the very serious to the victims of these phenomena, which have to cope with the humiliation of the public, which has been associated with depression, anxiety, and social isolation, it is because, in some cases, it is virtually impossible to be known, that is a deepfake. Added to that, the victims such as these often have difficulties with the extreme with the removal of the content on the web, which can be viral-and for this reason it continued to be somewhere else.
Is it possible to moderating?
In the weeks following the arrest of the Durov, Telegram announced a turning point for the unexpected, and maybe of a sudden. Without a lot of fuss the përditësoi page SECTION in relation to the moderation of the content, and the anonymity of the talks, saying that “Conversations in the Message are the ‘Report’ that allow you to report on the content of the law of our moderators, in just a couple of touch”. Earlier in the same SECTION there was a declaration to the effect that “all the talk on the Message, and the discussions in the group are private between the participants on their own. We do not process any claim in relation to them.” What will you see it? It pirated content will disappear from the Message? Not at all, because the system of moderation will be applied only after the report of the other users, and for those who go to channels such as these do not have any interest to make it known to the team's mind, or else I will lose the content.
The complexity of the representation of the moderating of platforms, such as Telegram it is a very large and presents a challenge of the law, the legal approach adopted by the company: the mixing of ethnic groups, closed, encryption, and the high numbers of users, regardless of the system is in a new place. the country field from the client, I will make individual care, effective as of the moderators.
This is added to the legal difficulties that have to face the authorities: Telegrami is a platform for decentralized and the national government have been consistently found in front of the constraints of the legal and kompleksiteteve bars, creating a “game of cat and mouse,” the truth is between the criminals and the police force.
What solutions can be implemented? Intelligent man can help you significantly to the discovery of the material to be malicious, but is also more cooperation from the government, as well as the measures are more restrictive to the administrators group, and other.
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