Pavel Durov explaining the statements of the former to the change in the policy to the Message, and, in a post to a new publishing profile of his or her official platform of the messages, he wanted to underline that, as a customer it is not intended to be deformojë yourself.
The CEO said that in the year 2018, Telegram is also able to deliver to the IP addresses, and telephone numbers of the offenders to the authorities, in the vast majority of the country. In fact, “every time you make a legal claim to the reading as you should by the lines corresponding to the communication, we will verify it and I give the IP addresses/phone numbers are dangerous. This process has been launched for some time”. Durov also refer to robot @much on the Message, which allows the user to indicate the number of requests to be processed on personal data.
In one example,the Durov will notice that, in Brazil, 75 requests were processed in the first quarter of 2024, 63 in the second quarter and 65 in the third quarter. In India, however, in the first quarter, were met 2461 demand in the first quarter to the second, 2151, and in the last quarter of the third-2380.
The story of a different Europewhere the Message explains the “there has been an increase in the number of legal requirements to be valid in which we have taken in the last quarter of the third party. This increase was caused by the fact that many authorities in the EU, started to use the line of the right of communication to the demands of their own, which is defined by the rules of the SEA. The information in relation to this point of contact, is done in public, for anyone that has visited the web page of the Message or search on Google “Address a Message to the EU on the implementation of the law.” since the beginning of the year 2024.”
Just to reduce confusion; it explains Durov, in the past week this privacy policy was thjeshtua and unifikua in many different places, and without any change, however the underlying principles. “Telegrami was established to protect activists and ordinary people, governments, and companies, corrupt, we don't allow criminals to abuse our platform, or to avoid justice,” says Durov.
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