Google + aims to strengthen its position in the tablet market, with the tabletin of the much-anticipated Pixel 2. According to the gossip of the past, and the coming of the future will not only be an evolution of the model to the previous one. In fact, the PixelTablet-the first was focused mainly on entertainment and for the control of the house, and intelligent. And this year, the second will present the developments of the important as well as the hardware and in the software. It is important to meet the needs of those who want a vehicle to be versatile for a job.
Pixel Tablet 2: accessories and software, a system that is designed to work
The design, in keeping with the aesthetics to the already much appreciated by the public, it will be as some of the improvements. The framework will be fine. Instead, the volume keys and most of the energy of the ripozicionohen to improve the ergonominë. The heart of a Pixel Tablet 2 will be a processor of a new generation. Perhaps the Tensor G4, or G5, which will provide a high-performance, greater efficiency of the energy, and the support extended to the software for up to seven years of age. It will be restored and even the department of photography. To be promised to a higher quality than the sensors 8MP according to the model of the previous one. Even if you don't it is likely to be a lot of focus on him, he would be the use of a camera.
One of the novelties of the most important will be coverage of official keyboard. An accessory designed to transform the Pixel Tablet2 into a tool ideal productivity. The keyboard will be connected with the tabletin by kunjave pogo. It provides stability, as well as acting as a support to keep it the advantage over the use of. This, combined with the features of the new software will make it more convenient to use, similar to the laptop.
Google, in fact, is working intensely at the operating system in order to provide an experience as a whole. The innovations and implications include support for the windows of many of the style's desktop. But the action of the advanced features for a keyboard with the touch screen, shortcuts for personalizueshme keyboard, and a system to improve the update is for the accessories. Moreover, it functions as a writing tip shkruese through the Gboard, and the options on the advanced aksesueshmërisë are in progress.
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