About five months after the update of the past, Yahoo has announced new features for the Mail to which the use of artificial intelligence. They will be available for Android and iOS in the coming weeks. The company kaliforniane bought the Artifact at the beginning of April.
A summary and some of the others, for the Chronicle
The new version of Yahoo Mail, which allows you to set up the fields in your input. Using artificial intelligence, create a summary message, and add to the suggestions for the reply. The user will see the also a “quick action”, based on the type of the content.
For example, in the case of an email that contains a date, it would be possible to add an event to the calendar. Other actions include the viewing of the images, and attachments, send in the invitations or the tracking of shipments. You may also be able to customize notifications based on the type of e-mail.
HE's generation is also used to create a draft of an email address, you can choose the tone of the most appropriate (formal, professional, friendly, or concise). Of the box, the access to the main features of your messages to me to be important, to be provided by the sender, the content and the topic.
Finally, the Yahoo Mail makes it easier for the management of the e-mails of the old and encouraging the user to arkivojnë them to mark as read or delete them. The company kaliforniane reminds you that the service supports all account (Gmail, Outlook, and so on), so there is no need to create a new one. Properties that will be enough, also on the website in the next few months.
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