Telegram continues to be updated, and even with the update, the first of the year 2025, it continues the evolution of the client's messages to start. In fact, in the early hours of the past and how they have published the update, the first of the new year.
Among the features to be presented to him, and find gifts for koleksionueshme, the ability to send feedback on the events in the discourse, the filters to search for messages, and a reader of the QR code.
Starting from the mountains to the collection, Telegram has made it known that the gifts received, it can be improved in atlanta, georgia. The gifts are contained in the special, and can be transferred to the user, to others, or to be sold at auction, the markets, the NFT. But that's not all, because when you use the gift of one aspect of the new unblocked are also among the dozens of varieties of custom-created by the artists of the Message. However, when you buy a gift for another user, it may send the already-up-to-date and to check the opening directly into the conversation.
This also come to the service messages, such as those associated with the european union in the team. As far as the bar of a search in a list of the people, and he is now lets you find out quickly the message of each conversation; however, the results of the research are also filters to the extra, which allow you to rafinoni the list of displayed results, only the conversations in private, groups, or channels.
The verification of the third party content is also of interest to: Telegram now allows for the shapes of the public and organisations to take the background so that the users can identify quickly the official sources of the information. To further enhance the transparency of the app, the services, the official third-party right now they are in a position to make the extra clearance on user accounts and conversations.
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