Apparently, Apple is not the only company that wants to set up a camera on the headset of his own. According to a report in the new Bloomberg, Samsung's, and Bugs are also working on similar projects, with the aim to compete directly with the gjigantin Cupertino.
The Meta-and the Samsung has the same goal as the Apple: the cameras on the headset, it will not be used to make pictures, but I will be at the service of the systems of artificial intelligence, which are also intended to enter into these accessories for the young. From the analysis of the world around them, in a matter of fact, this camera will be in a position to provide more information on the assistants and to allow the user to “look at an item, and look for a headset to analyze it, such as RayBan Disease.
However, the launching is not near: a Meta in fact, it has faced a lot of problems with the design, and it is not excluded that the same made by Apple, at least judging by the gossip – to delay the launch in the year 2026. In fact, in the report of Bloomberg, said that the headset will not have the guarantee satisfactory performance in the presence of the people, by the hair for a long time.
It is a different story, for Samsung, which, it is said that it is considering a version of the headset with a camera, to the interior, but there are still no details on this, and it is not clear if the design has been started, or if the korean giant is studying the feasibility of the project. .
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