The time period of the first to comply with the Act, and that HE, as the regulatory framework, the european governing the use of artificial intelligence, was launched on 2 February. In particular, the law prohibits the selection of the close of the application of the HE is considered to be “unacceptable”. Among them, the pikëzimi social, which could lead to a treatment for a commercial purpose, or manipulation of hazardous through the application of subliminale”.
Act on IT: the EU, illustrates the uses of the conversions of artificial intelligence
The European commission has published instructions on the developer's how to agree with the terms of the Act, for IT to.
The guidelines, which can be downloaded from the website of the Commission are published in the form of a draft. This is for the reason that the adoption and the application of the official're waiting for the translations to multiple languages, the official of the european union. The commission also pointed out that the guidance is not legally binding. In fact, it would be in the hands of the regulators, and the courts apply and interpret the Evidence of IT.
The implementation will be a gradual
Even though the HE was made the law throughout the EU and in the last year, its implementation is already included. The terms of the additional agreement will come into force in the coming months and years to come. The application of the rules is likely to be even more restricted, and in the case of a delivery shall be prohibited. The Member states of the EU have time until August 2, for the particular body responsible for the supervision and regulation.
Heavy penalties on those who break the rules
The developers are interested in, to avoid legal problems would do well to study it carefully to the advice of the Commission. Violations of the regulations for the purposes of the forbidden, in fact, it can lead to heavy penalties: up to 7% of the turnover of the global (or 35 million, if it is higher). In other words, the EU is serious, there is little to be made fun of.
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