Law enforcement agencies from 14 countries, coordinated by Europol, have decommission the infrastructure that is used by the 8Base in order to deliver ransomware in Phobos. The investigation led to the closure of the sites of the dark web, the seizure of more than 100 servers, and the arrest of the four criminals-cyber russians, and the two of them will have to face the judgment of the United States.
The gain of the law of 16 million dollars
As explained Europol, Phobos was discovered for the first time in 2018. It is offered by the model of RaaS (Ransomware-as-can-a-Service) on the branches, individual, or group of courses, including the 8Base, which has created a version of its malware. The attacks are carried out mainly against SMB's that have a little more protection than the big companies.
One member was arrested in Italy in the year 2023, with an order from France. The CEO of the Phobos, was arrested last year in South Korea, This is the last of the enforcement of the law led to the arrest of the four criminals-cyber russians. The two of them are Novel, Berezhnoy, and Egor Nikolaevich Glebov. They were charged with 11 crimes by the U.s. Department of Justice and is facing 35 years in prison.
During the operation were seized over 100 servers, and the proofs of the other cell, the blackberry intelligent, kuleta kriptomonedhash). The pages in the open and in the dark, and used to disseminate the information to be stolen, and to negotiate the rewards have been shut down as well.
These ransomware has affected more than 1,000 companies and organizations in all over the world. Cyber criminals cyber gained over 16 million of dollars by making use of a infamous of the zhvatjes a double. As has been the case in the past, the members of the 8Base is almost certainly going to continue with their activities illegal under a different name, or it will be merged with the other groups.
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