The ex-CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, is being interviewed by the BBC, he spoke about the evolution of artificial intelligence, and set up an alert to be very important, because, according to him, the fear is that IT could be used in a scenario of Bin laden's”.
The concern shown by Schmidt, is that some of the states of the con, as well as Iran, North Korea, and Russia, one can also use IT in order to “damaged people are the innocent, and to create a biological weapon”.
“The concerns of the truth, which I don't have to be what people are talking to HIM, I am talking about the danger of the extreme”he said the ex-DIRECTOR of engine research, which said that he was “I always worry about “the scenario of Osama bin laden's”, that is, the case in which a person is truly evil takes control of the advanced technology, to be used for the purpose of destroying.
But how can you prevent it happening? Schmidt is an idea very clearly: the supervision of the government, it is necessary for private sector companies to develop the products of advanced features to IT. “It is really important for governments to understand what we are doing, and to keep us in the eye,” he said he was. “We do not argue that we should be able to do these things unilaterally, without the guidance, but we believe that regulation is necessary.”
In the past, OpenAI has also sought to regulate IT, according to the prevention of the use of indecent and technology, and to avoid the appearance of it out of control.
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