The reading is being erased from the habits of daily life for americans, and the numbers confirm it. According to the latest data by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), and in the year 2022, the only 48.5% of adults read at least one book in the past year, a decline significantly, from 52.7% in 2017, and 54.6% in 2012.
But data is the most importantly they have to do with their only 37.6% of adults have not read a novel or a short story, reaching the lowest level ever recorded.
Fall is not just for adults. The National center for Education Statistics found that in the year 2023, only 14% of 13-year-olds said they read for pleasure “almost every day”, and from 27% in 2012. Even in the middle of the nëntëvjeçarëve, which have historically been much more likely to be read, the decline is obvious, from 53 per cent in 2012.23% in 2 in.
Beyond the loss of the pleasure in reading these figures have implications on the country. Experts point out that the ability to read well is closely related to the desire to read it. It is not surprising that the results of the tests, the reading has declined: Between 2012 and 2023, the 13-year-olds of us have fallen by an average of 7 points in the assessment of the un.
As pandemia has a speed-up of the problem, the decline in reading has years of what is going on. The time is to be spent on books is down to 15-16 mins a day, while the power consumption of the TV, and social media to the passing of the 2 hours and 40 minutes per day (and now even WhatsApp is becoming a social network). And, according to a study out of the University of shirts but reading the digital to the fun does not improve the understanding of how to read it in the paper.
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