Telegram finally solved a problem in an application for Windows, which allowed the attackers to ekzekutonin enabled But without any power, and this has been resolved thanks to the collaboration of many users noticed the problem. Initially, the Message was convinced that it was just a trick, but then he saw that between the lines of a code in the source of the "walkman" application, it had an error of a few, who were eliminated at once.
This is the kind of problem that you are allowed to send a file Python .pyzw to ekzekutoheshin automatically with the click of a mouse button, without having permission to execute the following file. The reason why they are so dangerous is that the attacker can execute code on the remote devices, for Windows users. The issue of the new shows, the creator of the application, that when they make new updates, they need to be able to check all of the lines of code in the application so that it will not appear on the faults of others like that.
Message, the problem is solved on the server side
The problem is solved by the side of the server Message, so that no one will be able to run automatically enabled But without the permission of the user. However, this issue has touched only a small number of users to execute your files, which you use to install an interpreter Python on your computer. The files and the executable in question are to be found in the client Message, for which the error was found for it is precisely in this sector of the memory of the computer. The error of the young was resolved also, because the error message was not very large, and because of this, the work for them, please correct it was not too demanding. The main reason why this happens is that when you create an app or made an update to the new people who look for potential problems to be logged in to the server and steal the data.
So, when it developed the new updates, it is important to check and make sure that they don't have problems, or imperfection, in a manner that does not appear on the infiltrime possible from the hakerë or misleading information.
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