Threads është një platformë sociale e decentralizuar, e bazuar në idenë e “Fediverse”, pra mundësinë që përdoruesit e rrjeteve të ndryshme sociale të decentralizuara të ndërveprojnë me njëri-tjetrin. Risia e prezantuar nga Threads përbëhet nga një lidhje e thjeshtë – – e cila drejton drejtpërdrejt në faqe për të mundësuar menjëherë ndarjen në Fediverse.
Threads and makes it easy for the division in the Fediverse
To put it simply, by activating this option, it is possible that in the posts, and the content of your Threads to be visible by users of the platform to other social and decentralized, which belong to the Fediverse. Before the modification, creation of a division in the Fediverse was looking for a procedure, the more difficult to hide it in the settings. Now, just with a single click on a link to be intended for.
Instead of asking the users that they may sail through the settings of the app to find the option in the sharing of the Fediverse, and now you can share a URL specific to that it brings you directly on to the screen and how long does it take. This approach simplifies a lot of the process, allowing the user to activate the function, without wasting a lot of time.
Lancimi the FediForum
This system is new, it was introduced and it was released during the course of a stream directly in a FediForum, a story on the internet dedicated to those who develop it, and are interested in the Fediverse and the technologies associated with it. FediForum it was the environment, the perfect setting to introduce this feature to the new, because it brings together experts and enthusiasts of the protocols like ActivityPub, the FATHER, and Nostr.
The separation of the posts of the Threads in the Fediverse represents the element tag for the platform. In addition to the expansion of the scope of the content to the user, this feature shows the commitment of the team's engineering Shortcomings and to develop protocols in the open-that allow for interaction with other services, rather than to restrict the users concerned in the as a platform of their own.
It should be noted that the Threads option to the split in the Fediverse is not active by default for all users. This means that a lot of people may not know of the existence of this feature and the benefits that it brings. For this reason, some of the users who are confident of sustaining the Fediverse has been promoted to active this feature by commenting the posts, the profiles of the most well-known in the Threads, and asking them to give the division.
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