As we talk about a blow to the potential against the Temu, and applications to the chinese, in a new report published by the NTC, the National Institute and the Swiss Security Cyber raise the alarm.
In particular, according to the NTC, Temu, will be adoptonte “the behaviour of the weird through the app to be used has the potential to hide the transfer of unwanted data”. According to the researchers, the app will not be able to change his or her behavior, in full autonomy, without informing the user, or through an update of the traditional.
However, the institute of the swiss also states the use of layers in additional to the mid and some of the aspects of the application, which may allow the app to the store to start the operation without the consent of the users.
The researchers point out that even though it was found in two of the key elements of potential concern, there was not found any concrete evidence that points to the safety and security of the poor of the application, especially because the permissions are consistent with the standards, applications and competitive. It is for this reason that users are advised to grant the application only the permissions required to keep up-to-date operating system. Among the best of the best is by the use of the Temu through a browser over the internet, instead of the "walkman" application, which is the best way to çinstalohet.
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