After the criticism of many in relation to the moderation of the poor, and the arrest of Pavel Durov, France, Telegram has introduced a couple of improvements to simplify the reporting of the content. A page dedicated to the details of the number of groups and channels, which were blocked for a violation of the terms and conditions of the service.
The data for the moderation of content
Pavel Durov points out that the team of moderation away for about a million bands, and the channels of the month, as well as the 10 million accounts. This is possible thanks to the reports of the users, the systems of the automatizuara, and the use of artificial intelligence. Given that the results of this work are not to be visible, the Message is set to open a session for the site to greater transparency.
Seeing the figures, it is clear that the intervention of a moderate, was added after the arrest of the Durov. In the year 2024, more than 15.5 million, groups, and channels were blocked, which publikonin the following conversions of the terms and conditions of the service, including the promotion of violence and the marketing of the products of the law, and child pornography.
CSAM been removed by the year 2018. A few days ago was added to the assets of the Foundation of the Internet Watch to streamline the disclosure. Up to now, over 707,000 groups and channels to their child, for the children are trapped. Telegram also receives annual reports from the organisation of the third party, including in the netherlands Offlimits, Centre, Canada, for the Protection of Children, the National Center for Children of the Disappeared, and the use of and The Internet Watch. They sent out in the netherlands Offlimits came out of the 2,142 (January-December 2024) at 21,765 (July-nov-2024).
Recent data have to do with the content of the propaganda of terrorism. Message, so far, has blocked over 130,000 community, and, in co-operation with the ETIDAL, and over 129 million, a part of the content of the extremists.
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