Unfortunately, the malware on macOS it is a reality that more and more concrete, and it appears that most of the përhapurit are the stealers. This is evident from the report, shared by Malwarebytes for this week.
macOS: Stealers more and more prevalent
The vast majority of malware's Like, are represented the hope of the screen VSearch, and the grabber browser Genieo, but the malware and other malicious have been on the rise, and the year 2024 is the first of a new wave of attacks, with the stealers.
For those who don't know or don't remember, stealers have been made to find out information about the credit card, biscuits, kriptomonedha, passwords, and other valuable data that criminals can use to make money.
Applications for the theft of the information is typically installed when a user's Mac asks for a product is legitimate in the softuerësh, and then uses a commercial research, with the aim to be the worst in the Google or Bing to download a version of this is false by malware in it. The attackers are in a position to provide advertisements of a target for malicious software, based on your location, operating system, software, and the terms in the search.
Atomic Stealer (AMOS), an stealers, which was discovered in the year 2023, but it is used on a regular basis and is a version of the AMOS called Poseidon is becoming more and more popular among criminals. Poseidon advertised to be able to steal the kriptovaluta in more than 160 kuleta, as well as passwords from a web browser to select and managers fjalëkalimesh. The discharge of Poseidon track fully qualified as well as applications to the legitimate Mac-like Arc Browser.
To avoid dealing with threats such as cybersecurity, it's always a good idea to check it out download the software, make sure that it comes from a developer valid and not from a web page, imituese. Moreover, the installation of an anti-malware program to be the best, just like the one offered by Malwarebytes, you can make a difference.
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